5 things I’ve tried to lose weight

Weight loss is nothing new, especially in a world full of set societal standards. Most people who are interested in losing weight are around the ages of 20-39 and 40-59. People have various reasons on why they want to lose weight -ranging from boosting their self-confidence, staying fit/healthy to even maintaining a healthy lifestyle because of health issues, such as obesity and diabetes. There are different ways one can use to lose weight, such as hitting the gym, following a certain diet, and taking diet supplements. The below is what I’ve tried/tested to lose weight, particularly belly fat:

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple Cider Vinegar is mostly made up of apple juice, it undergoes a fermentation process where yeast is added to the juice, converting it into alcohol. Bacteria then turns the alcohol into acetic acid, giving the vinegar its strong odor and taste. Apple Cider Vinegar has been trusted for so many years, for various reasons. It is popular for cooking, salad dressings, aiding weight loss, treating dandruff, and even hair growth, to name a few. The recommended Apple Cider Vinegar is the one ‘with the Mother’, because it is unfiltered. You’re able to reap all the benefits of the vinegar when purchasing/using the unfiltered one.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar to lose weight has proven to be quite effective -when used CORRECTLY. However you can’t rely only on the vinegar to lose weight, in order to reap the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, you need to at least couple it up with a bit of exercise, and a diet change. You also need to keep a few things in mind, such as taking the correct dosage, the medication you taking, etc.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a set cycle of periods of eating and fasting, meaning that you may have a set period of fasting and a set period of eating. One of the popular intermittent fasting cycles is the 16:8 cycle, where one can fast for 16 hours and eat for the remaining 8 hours of the day.

Guides to amplifying your health and diet

This method of losing weight is really ideal or effective if you don’t have follow a proper diet (according to my experience). However it is worth taking a shot, if you’re able to follow a healthy diet or have a meal plan that work, such as a Keto meal plan.

Exercising/Hitting the Gym

I think it’s safe to say that MOST people have tried exercising or hitting the gym, but SOMEHOW they give up along the way, and that’s because of various reasons. People expect to get results quickly (I’m one of them), which is totally impossible, getting results requires a lot of time, consistency and dedication. Exercising has proven to be very effective, if it is done correctly.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular drinks people who want to lose weight consume to lose weight. Green tea is believed to be very effective in boosting metabolic rate and even burning fat.

I can’t really say much on its effectiveness, because I had to stop drinking it due to the side effects I experienced from the tea.

Diet Supplements

Dietary supplements come in different forms, including tablets/capsules, powders, gummies, as well as drinks. Dietary supplements are meant to supplement the diet. They can become quite effective, when used correctly/consistently. However, it is advisable that you consult with your doctor, and read the instructions of the supplements correctly.

Losing weight is not easy and for same it may be something they have tried doing for so many years, but no progress has been made. Whether you want to lose weight to boost your confidence, to look good, to be fit, or health-related issues, the five ways that I tried might just work for you. Lose weight because you want to, and not because you hate how you look, or you want to ‘fit in’.

Sports and Fitness products to try

One response to “5 things I’ve tried to lose weight”

  1. Great stuff.


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